Listen! Can you hear it?
The sound of cars behind us fades,
We turn to face the wooded glades.
Listen! Can you hear it?
High above claps a pigeon's wings
Amongst the leaves and other things.
Listen! Can you hear it?
The birds they sing in harmony,
A chorus in the canopy.
Listen! Can you hear it?
Loud footsteps through the wood we tread,
Run eagerly to what's ahead.
Listen! Can you hear it?
Out now into a field we come,
The cows they moo, and bees do hum.
Listen! Can you hear it?
A frog or vole hides in the grass,
We shan't disturb, so on we pass.
Listen! Can you hear it?
Hear the babbling of the river,
A brook so cold it makes us shiver.
Listen! Can you hear it?
The wind it whistles through the wheat,
The golden corn looks such a treat.
Listen! Can you hear it?
Upwards he flies, a joyous lark,
He sings into the growing dark.
Listen! Can you hear it?
Keep listening to the world around,
For this whole place is full of sound.
This poem was written for Day 30 of the 30 Days Wild challenge!